Base URL: https://aitoolbuddy.com/api-endpoint

POST ?action=upload

Upload a file or text for processing.


Name Required Description
APIKEY Yes Your API key for authentication


Name Type Required Description
tool string Yes The AI tool to use (e.g., "AI OCR Image to Text", "AI Photo Background Removal")
file file Conditional The file to process (required for image-based tools)
text string Conditional The text to process (required for text-based tools)
topic string Conditional The topic for story generation or video creation (required for specific tools)
lang string Conditional The target language for translation or story writing (required for specific tools)
keywords string Optional One keyword per line. Used in article writer
format string Optional Choose one from: none, html, markdown, codemirror.
Used in article writer


  "success": "We are processing your request.",
  "job_id": "12345"

POST ?action=status

Check the status of a job.


Name Required Description
APIKEY Yes Your API key for authentication


Name Type Required Description
job_id string Yes The ID of the job to check


  "status": "Completed"

POST ?action=download

Download the results of a completed job.


Name Required Description
APIKEY Yes Your API key for authentication


Name Type Required Description
job_id string Yes The ID of the completed job


The response varies based on the tool used:

  "response": {
    // For image-to-text:
    "text": "Extracted text content",
    "thumb": "https://aitoolbuddy.com/thumbs/12345_thumb.jpg",

    // For background removal:
    "thumb": "https://aitoolbuddy.com/thumbs/12345_thumb.jpg",
    "download": "https://aitoolbuddy.com/results/abcdef_bgr.png",

    // For text-to-speech:
    "download": "https://aitoolbuddy.com/results/abcdef_speech.wav",

    // For video generation:
    "download": "https://aitoolbuddy.com/results/abcdef.mp4",

    // For text-based tools (story writing, summarization, translation):
    "text": "Generated or processed text content"

Supported AI Tools

  • AI OCR Image to Text
  • AI Photo Background Removal
  • AI Story Writer
  • AI Video Generator
  • AI Text Summarization
  • AI Translator
  • AI Article Writer

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